Teaching and Mentoring

Instructor of Record

Perceptual Models Of Speech

Course Summary:

When hearing speech, humans rapidly and robustly map from a continuous acoustic signal to an abstract representation of the sounds of their language. This seminar will explore models of this acoustic-phonetic perceptual mapping by drawing from a variety of methodologies and perspectives. We will discuss the merits and issues of linguistic, computational, and neuroscientific approaches and draw connections between these disciplines. A background in neuroscience or computational modeling is not required. 

[Schedule] [Syllabus]

Teaching Assistant

Phonology I, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Spring 2021: Teaching Assistant.  Instructor: Dr. Peggy Antonisse.

Introductory Linguistics, Spring 2020: Teaching Assistant/Discussion Section Leader.  Instructor: Dr. Tonia Bleam.


PULSAR Undergraduate Research Seminar, Spring 2022, Fall 2022: Graduate Mentor. Instructors: Tess Wood, Andrea Zukowski

Language at the Museum: Engaging the Public in Language Science, Summer 2022 Graduate Mentor/Assistant. Instructor: Charlotte Vaughn

Undergraduate Research Assistant Mentorship

Fall 2021 - Present

Advisor to two Undergraduate Research Assistants on Two Different Projects.  Assisting in advising one undergraduate honors thesis